“It is written: I believed therefore I have spoken” with the same spirit of faith we also believe and therefore speak. 2 Corinth 4:13
I remember a speaker years ago saying that the biggest problem the church has is that we often have a doctrine of faith but we don’t have a spirit of faith and that’s why we don’t see more of the power of God released. That one phrase always has stuck with me. We start becoming religious when we have a belief in healing, the gifts, deliverance etc but we hardly see them operating. We end up with an empty shell of belief but not the spirit of faith to see them actually functioning in our midst. It’s the spirit of faith that releases the power of God. Its interesting when the Apostles picked the deacons in Acts 6 it said Stephen was full of faith and the HS the only one amongst them. He was the one who went around performing great miracles and demonstrations of Gods Kingdom. If we are not moving in these areas especially if we are leaders we need to get before God and ask him to forgive us and ask him in His in his mercy to give us a spirit of faith otherwise we will end up with a powerless Christianity that can’t set anyone free and seeing Gods kingdom activity released in our midst. We end up with a form godliness but deny the power. In other words an empty form of religion.