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Writer: robinhornrobinhorn

“Oh God of my life, I’m love sick for you in this weary wilderness I thirst for deepest longings to love you more, with cravings in my heart that cannot be described. Such yearning grips my soul for you oh God. I’m energized whenever I enter your heavenly sanctuary to seek more of your power”

Psalm 63:1-2 passion translation.

This is an amazing psalm in so many ways. First of all, David’s level of hunger for God is on another level and off the scale. How many of us have experienced that sort of hunger. But secondly the back ground of this hunger. He was in the most difficult situation and most miserable situation of his life. He was running and hiding from the crazed King Saul who was hunting to kill him. He was hiding in caves etc in the desert and wilderness, and not just for a few days or months but several years with no solution or way out. A fugitive amongst his own people and in his own land. An outcast. He said that he entered Gods sanctuary. Notice he said heavenly sanctuary. Remember the temple (sanctuary) was not even built yet. His son Solomon built it. The original tabernacle the one built in the wilderness was set up in Shiloh after they came into the promised land. That’s where the ark of God’s presence was at this time. David wasn’t talking about that. In the most difficult and hardest place David was able to find Gods presence enter into Gods presence in the wilderness. Don’t let any of your circumstances stop you coming into His presence.


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